IOPS (Central Norfolk) - Intensive Older People’s Service

The content on this page is copied from our Intensive Older People's Service information leaflet.

What is the Intensive Older People’s Service

The Intensive Older People’s Service (IOPS) is a multi-disciplinary team, consisting of:

  • A clinical team leader / Independent nurse prescriber
  • Nursing staff
  • Occupational therapist
  • Assistant practitioners
  • Specialist doctor

Our aim is to support and treat service users in their community settings.

What IOPS do

The Team was formed to provide additional, intensive support for a short period of time, to help service users in mental health crisis remain in their own home with as much autonomy and independence as possible.

We will:

Work with service users in their own homes or in nursing / residential homes

Work together with service users and carers

Provide therapeutic interventions, carers support and information

Develop treatment plans for service users with complex needs, working with other agencies, as appropriate

Request admission to hospital, when the service users needs can no longer be met in the community setting

Continue to work with the service users to facilitate discharge.

Service users who are at risk of harm to self, or others, and awaiting admission, should not be left alone. If a relative / carer feels they are at risk, they should call the Police.

Who we see

The IOPS offer an intensive support package to:

  • Service users with dementia of any age, or
  • Service users over age of 75 years with functional mental health and physical health complexities.


120 hour urgent referrals can be made to IOPS via Single Point of Access (SPOA) (referrals are usually via the GP). 4 hour emergency referrals can be made via SPOA (the service user has to have been seen face-to-face by their GP.)

Working hours

IOPS operates 7 days-a-week, from 8:00 to 21:00 (Contactable 7 days-a-week, from 9:00 to 21:00) Out of Hours emergency information will be given on the initial assessment from the Team - this includes what to do if the service user requires admission to hospital.

Contact details

The IOPS (Central Norfolk) can be contacted at the Julian Hospital, Norwich on: 01603 978380. See back page for full contact details. A duty worker system operates 9:00 to 21:00 to take your call and there is an answerphone for out-of-hours calls.

Advice and support

IOPS has a Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital referral line and Care Home Advice line, please call: 01603 978491. GP, community health and social care professionals advice and support line, contact IOPS Duty Line (available 9am-9pm daily). Contact the IOPS Duty Line on: 01603 978380.

Contact us IOPS (Central Norfolk) St Andrew’s Lodge The Julian Hospital Bowthorpe Road Norwich NR2 3TD Telephone: 01603 978380

Our Customer Services team provide confidential advice, information and support, helping you to answer any questions you have about our services or about any health matters.

If you would like this leaflet in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or a different language, please contact our Customer Services team and we will do our best to help. Email: or call Freephone: 0800 279 7257

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust values and celebrates the diversity of all the communities we serve. We are fully committed to ensuring that all people have equality of opportunity to access our service, irrespective of their age, gender, ethnicity, race, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marital or civil partnership or social and economic status.

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