Avocet Ward: Information for service users

The content on this page is copied from the Avocet Ward information leaflet. The leaflet is given to people who use this service.

Welcome to Avocet Ward

The purpose of this booklet is to provide you with information about our service during your stay. A leaflet for your family or carer is also available. We hope it will answer some questions you may have and provide some reassurance about issues that may concern you. Avocet Ward is a 21-bed unit providing care for male and female service users who are, or may be, suffering with a mental health problem. The staff are committed to providing high quality care with a focus on recovery and involving you and, if you wish, your family or carer, with your care and treatment.

When you are admitted, you will be introduced to the ward staff and advised who your Keyworker is and when they will next be on duty; however, please approach any member of staff if you have any concerns or questions and they will help you or arrange for someone to meet with you. You will also be shown around the unit and shown where your bedroom is. A key or access card will be provided so that you may secure your bedroom while in another area of the unit.

All the medications you have brought with you must be given to staff for safe keeping.

You will meet your Consultant and their medical team as early as possible following your admission. You will see them regularly. If you wish to be seen by the doctors at any time, please speak to a member of staff. You will also have a physical examination, which will include checking your blood pressure, height and weight.

You will also need to provide a urine specimen to check your physical health; you will be told specifically if drugs are going to be tested for.

While you are in hospital you can expect to be treated as an individual. Your different needs will be taken into account irrespective of your gender, age, race, ethnicity, disability or sexual orientation. We recognise the importance of privacy and dignity and will do all we can to meet your needs in this respect, so please do advise us of any special requirements (for example, dietary). We will listen to your views and concerns when making decisions about your care and will involve you as much as possible.

Staff do not always wear uniforms, but they can be identified by their identity badges and the staff photo board.

The staff’s core shift patterns and ward visiting times will be displayed on the information boards located in the social or dining areas as well as the daily menu and scheduled meal times. Drinks are available throughout the day. These information boards will also advise of all planned recreational activities that are available for you to participate in.

Expectations while on the ward

There are some expectations that staff will have of you while you are an inpatient. These include:

  • Treating staff, other service users and the ward environment with respect
  • Actively participating in the planning, implementation and review of your care adhering to the smoking, illicit drug and alcohol policies
  • Verbal abuse, aggression or damage to property is not acceptable at anytime and although it is appreciated that people are unwell, it cannot be condoned
  • Keeping your room tidy 4 Avocet Ward There are some expectations that you may have of staff while you are an inpatient. These include:
    • Encouraging you to give your opinions and provide constructive comments about your stay and care
    • Your Keyworker will spend time with you on a regular basis to review your care plans and discuss your progress
    • In the absence of your Keyworker, any member of the team you approach will listen to you and try to help you in line with your care plan so that your care is consistent
    • Staff will be polite and non-judgemental in their approach to your needs, values and beliefs.

Health, safety and ward procedures

Personal property

Trust procedures for dealing with your property will be explained on admission and you may be asked to sign a disclaimer.

Your personal belongings may be listed upon admission and any prohibited items will be removed. These include sharp objects (knives, razors, scissors etc,) alcohol and drugs and any medications. We ask that personal belongings are kept to a minimum and things of significant, sentimental or financial value, are sent home with your family, friend or carer or handed to staff for storage under the area’s cash and valuables (C&V) procedures.

Any electrical items you bring have to be tested before you can use them unless these are new items with sealed plugs. There is a communal lounge containing a TV, DVD, video and music system.

You are encouraged to have your own, preferred toiletries brought in, but in an emergency basic items can be provided until you can obtain your own. Staff will advise you of laundry availability.

Mobile phones and cameras

Mobile phones can be used in designated areas, but the camera facility should not be used to take pictures of others (staff and service users) without their consent. If you do wish to take a photograph of someone, please speak to staff first.

Cameras are not usually allowed on the units but if you wish to use one, please discuss this with your Keyworker.

A ward mobile is available on the unit should you need to make a call but do not have access to your own.


The Trust operates a “Smokefree policy” on all its sites to protect everyone from the harmful effects of tobacco and second-hand smoke. This means that you cannot smoke tobacco products (cigarettes and roll-ups) in any Trust building or in our grounds. Nicotine Replacement Therapy is available to help people to stop smoking while they are in hospital; including nicotine patches, inhalators and lozenges, we pledge to offer this within 30 minutes of admission. Each area has a dedicated Smokefree Health Champion who is able to offer advice and support if you would like to quit smoking.

E-cigarettes and vaping devices are permitted to be used in outside areas. Please be aware that the use of e-cigarettes and vaping devices will not be permitted inside any inpatient buildings, including bedrooms and communal areas – this means you are unable to use E-cigarettes and vaping devices inside any Trust properties. Ward staff will be able to advise you where the designated outside areas are.

Being Smokefree is one of the ways NSFT will help to ensure that staff and service users have the support they need to lead healthy lives.

Drugs and alcohol

Taking illicit substances or consuming alcohol while you are an inpatient may result in you being discharged or the police being contacted. If staff suspect that you may have been consuming alcohol or using illicit substances they may request a urine specimen for analysis or ask to breathalyse you.

You should not take any medications that are not prescribed for you in case these react badly with those you are prescribed.

Fire procedure

The fire alarms for this site are tested every Wednesday afternoon. The alarm sounds will consist of several loud bursts followed by a 90 second continuous alarm. Staff will deliver a fire safety talk prior to the alarm being tested.

In the event of a continuous alarm sounding, this indicates a fire in the ward / area where you are and staff will direct you to a place of safety.

In the event of an intermittent alarm sounding, this indicates a fire in an adjacent ward or building and you are safe to remain where you are unless directed by staff. In the event of you discovering a fire, inform a member of staff immediately and do not attempt to tackle it yourself.

Reporting an incident

In the event of any emergencies / incidents, please inform a member of staff immediately.

Visitors on the ward

Visiting hours on Avocet ward are from 14:30 to 16:30 and 18:00 to 20:00.

Leaving the ward

All service users must inform a member of staff of where they are going and how long they will be for fire / safety reasons. If you are leaving the unit for a long period of leave, for example, one week,it is advisable to take all your belongings with you.

For those who are detained under the Mental Health Act, staff will explain the procedure for requesting and having leave away from the ward as the circumstances for each individual may vary.

Informal service users have the right to leave at any time and should approach the nurse in charge if they wish to do so. Medical certificates Medical certificates, such as ‘fit notes,’ can be discussed with your Keyworker. These will be sent directly to employers or the Department of Work and Pensions for those in receipt of benefits. If you are currently working and do not wish your employer to know you are in hospital, your decision will be respected. A certificate can be sent after your discharge if you wish. Fit notes can only be dated between your admission and discharge date. If you do not feel ready to return to work following discharge, you should arrange to see your GP for review.

Carers’ assessments

If you have someone who regularly looks after you that you may feel needs extra support, this person may need or benefit from a Carer’s Assessment.

The purpose of a Carer’s Assessment is for them to be able to discuss with staff the help they need with caring, plus help to maintain his / her health and to balance caring with his / her life, work and family commitments. Social services use the assessment to decide what help may be provided. Every carer is entitled to have an assessment, even if they do not want to receive help from social services or mental health services.


You have the right to determine who has access to your health records. Access to health records will not be withheld from the Trust staff directly involved with your care, quality or monitoring of services; however, staff have a duty to ensure that your personal information remains confidential and is only disclosed to authorised persons. Information for Service Users 7 You may be asked to complete a form to say who you do, or don’t, wish information to be shared with. For further information about your health records and confidentiality, please speak to a member of staff who can provide you with the current Data Protection Act information leaflet. We will only disclose information without your consent when there is a significant risk that may cause harm to yourself or others if this information is not shared.

Customer Services team

If you need advice, have concerns or are not sure who to turn to for help, please contact the customer service team. The team deals with enquiries by email, telephon and in person by prior appointment (when permitted) and is there to help when you need advice, have concerns or are not sure who to turn to for help. . The Customer Service team staff can be contacted on Freephone: 0800 279 7257 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday or email: customer.service@nsft.nhs.uk 

Advocacy services

Should you require support or representation; an independent advocacy service can be contacted. This service is free of charge and offers support to service users for various issues, such as representation at a Tribunal, a Hospital Managers’ Hearing, helping with money concerns and advising on entitlement to benefits.

You will find leaflets for the local advocacy services in Customer Services or information areas within the ward. If you are unsure which is suitable for your requirements, contact Customer Services who will provide you with the contact details for the appropriate service.

Compliments, suggestions and complaints

If you wish to pass on a compliment, make a suggestion or wish to complain about any aspect of your care, please discuss this with your Keyworker or other member of ward staff in the first instance so that they can try to resolve a complaint as quickly as possible.

If you feel that the complaint has not been resolved, you can complete the ‘Help us to help you’ leaflet or write to the Patient Safety and Complaints Lead at Hellesdon Hospital.

The leaflet is available from Customer Services and information areas and will give you advice on how to make your complaint heard. If you require assistance, a member of staff or an independent advocate can assist with this.

Contact details

Our address is Avocet Ward, Woodlands, Ipswich Hospital, Heath Road, IP4 5PD

Telephone us on 01473 891740.

Customer Services

Our Customer Services team provides confidential advice, information and support, helping you to answer any questions you have about our services or about any health matters.

If you would like this leaflet in large print, audio, Braille, alternative format or a different language, please contact our Customer Services Team and we will do our best to help. Email: customer.service@nsft.nhs.uk or call Freephone: 0800 279 7257

Norfolk and Suffolk NHS Foundation Trust values and celebrates the diversity of all the communities we serve. We are fully committed to ensuring that all people have equality of opportunity to access our service, irrespective of their age, gender, ethnicity, race, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation, marital or civil partnership or social and economic status.

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