Information and Resources for Parental Mental health

If you or your co-parent/carer are experiencing difficulties with your mental health, it can be a really difficult time for you, your children and other people who love and care for you.


We know that children and young people find it easier to cope when their parent/carer is experiencing difficulties with their mental health when their parent/carer is provided with good support from family and other supportive adults and professionals, when needed. 

There are a range of online resources and services available to support you as a parent/carer with your own mental health.


Here are some of those key resources which you may wish to access:  

  • Visit the YoungMinds website which is a mental health charity for children and young people in the UK around information and advice for parents around their own mental health: 
  • Access the NSFT Wellbeing Service 16+ which is a local Suffolk service offering workshops, online events, talking therapies and self-help resources. You can access the service via your GP or you can make a self-referral by visiting or Calling 0300 123 1503   
  • Access Suffolk Mind which is a local service offering a range of support and interventions around mental health. Visit: or make a self-referral by calling 0300 111 6000 or emailing    
  • Suffolk Mind have a range of courses that can be accessed via this link: They offer the following:  
    • Mums matter course for support around mental health for pregnant mum’s and those with children under two  
    • WAVES managing emotions group (Email 
    • Suffolk Night Owls : telephone, text and email emotional support service for those with complex emotional needs   
    • Open space health and wellbeing weekly groups based in Suffolk libraries which offer Social activities and mental health and wellbeing related discussions. Information can be found here: 
    • Eating recovery service  
    • Courses on managing financial hardship, gambling, menopause, employment and housing support  
    • Counselling via zoom or telephone (there is a charge for this service)  
  • Access the NSFT Recovery college who provide educational courses produced and delivered by people 16+ with lived and learned experience. Provides courses to help people build an understanding of themselves, and opportunities for people to learn, grow, and plan for the future. Details of the latest courses can be found here: To book places call: 01603 421169 or email: 

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