What is DIALOG+?

DIALOG+ starts with a simple questionnaire which asks about aspects of your life that are known to have an impact on your mental wellbeing and recovery. Once completed you and a mental health worker can work together to identify which areas would be most helpful for you to work on and help you decide a plan of action.

Following your assessment if it is agreed that NSFT have a role to play in your recovery, then you will notice that DIALOG+ is used to shape the conversations you have with your worker as you work towards achieving your goals.

The regular meetings you have with your mental health worker will be an opportunity to ask if you are on track to achieving your goals and, if not, make the necessary changes.

Before you meet it might be helpful for you to think about what you would like to discuss in your appointment to make it meaningful to you.

You will also be asked to repeat the questionnaire with a staff member at regular intervals so that together you can review your progress.

Why we use DIALOG+

NHS England published a formal statement in July 2021 which advised all Mental Health Trusts to move away from the Care Programme Approach (CPA) in favour of a Community Mental Health framework.

DIALOG+, as part of a wider piece of work, is the tool to enable the move away from CPA whilst providing a clear, co-produced, care plan for service users. 

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